Monthly Archives: January 2017

A quantitative and qualitative analysis of microvariation in the Dutch dialects
Here is a handout of a talk Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and me presented at the Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop in Stellenbosch last december. We are very proud of this work and it is a line of research we will develop further in the years to come…
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1 postdoc position and 3 PHD positions in Roberta’s ERC project
A call for a 4-year full-time postdoc position and 3 PhD positions in Roberta d’Alessandro’s ERC project on Microcontact, Language variation and change from the Italian heritage perspective ( has just been published. You can find the full job descriptions here: Please share it with anyone who could be interested, and circulate it as widely as possible. The…
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“The syntax of idioms” workshop, Utrecht University, 20th January 2017
The NWO/FWO-funded project “The syntax of idioms” is happy to announce a one-day workshop on idioms to mark the conclusion of the project. In the morning, the researchers from Utrecht University and KU Leuven who carried out the work will present the main results of the project. In the afternoon, three renowned idiom experts will…
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