Monthly Archives: April 2017

Reflexivization in Afrikaans: The case of locally bound pronouns
Talk at Debrecen workshop on pronouns, February 25, 2017; Martin Everaert & Dorkas Arnold
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Agreement Reversal in Munda Languages: An Interplay of Functional/Thematic and Syntactic Criteria
Talk presented at International Seminar on Munda Languages at Deccan College, Puna, India; Kārumūri V. Subbārāo, Hyderabad University; Mayuri Dilip, IIT Madras, Chennai; Rajesh Kumar, IIT Madras, Chennai; Martin Everaert, Utrecht University
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Special issue Studia Linguistica, april 2017
The World of Reflexives: Universal Principles and a Typology of Variation -Introduction; Alexis Dimitriadis, Martin Everaert & Eric Reuland – Why is Reflexivity so Special? Understanding the World of Reflexives; Eric Reuland – A Formal Typology of Reflexives; Rose-Marie Déchaine & Martina Wiltschko Reflexives Markers in Oceanic Languages; Claire Moyse-Faurie – Reflexivity in Two Zhuang…
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Workshop on Historical Literary Variation as a Mirror for Language Change
Beste collega’s, Via deze e-mail nodigen we u graag uit voor de workshop Historical Literary Variation as a Mirror for Language Change op donderdag 13 april 2017. Deze workshop combineert letterkunde en taalkunde op het gebied van taalvariatie en -verandering. Jonge onderzoekers verzorgen lezingen over hun werk, en bespreken verschillende talige en taalkundige elementen vanuit verschillende perspectieven….
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The verbal domain
The Verbal Domain, the book I edited with Irene Franco and Ángel Gallego, is out. The book investigates the nature and structure of the verbal domain and the complexity of the Verb Phrase (VP). It is divided into three parts, representing the areas in which contemporary debate on the verbal domain is most active. The first…
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