Monthly Archives: March 2017

New book: ‘Opzienbarende ontdekkingen over taal’
Together with Marten van der Meulen (co-author of my popularizing blog), I have written a book (in Dutch) on language and linguistic research. In 30 chapters we discuss a broad variety of groundbreaking and recent linguistic discoveries, ranging from the discovery of the universal word ‘huh?’, to language acquisition in songbirds, to teaching humor to…
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Popularizing Linguistics
My linguistics for dummies Facebook page (in Italian, unfortunately), Linguistica in Pillole, has about 16K followers (15915 as I write). On this page, I post linguistics news, curiosities, simple linguistic notions, discoveries, or games. Some posts, like the one on dialects, with 185K views, are very popular. Most posts have links in English, so if you…
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UiL OTS on Facebook
Please like the UiL OTS Facebook page! Do you have an announcement, a call for papers, are you looking for informants? Please send me an email and let me post it for you! Jacomine Nortier –
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Roberta lid van de CVW
Roberta has joined the KNAW Commissie voor de Vrijheid van Wetenschapsbeofening (CVW, Committee for the Freedom of Scientific Pursuit). She will hold this position for 3 years. You can follow the committee’s activity here. Roberta is also a member of the Committee for the Freedom and Responsibility in the Conduct of Science (CFRS) of the International…
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