Monthly Archives: May 2017

PhD-defense and workshop Erin Pretorius
We are very pleased to announce that Erin Pretorius will be defending her dissertation entitled Spelling Out P: A Unified Syntax of Afrikaans Adpositions and V-Particles on June 2nd 2017 at 10.30in the Senaatzaal of the Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht. We cordially invite you to attend Erin’s defense, and to join her at the…
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Workshop on Variation and Universals in Language
The workshop Variation and universals in language. The implications of typological evidence for formal grammar will take place in Crecchio, Abruzzo, Italy, on June 9-11. Our very Marjo van Koppen is among the invited speakers. The program and position statements can be found here All invited! Roberta
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Defense Robbert van Sluijs
Robbert van Sluijs will defend his dissertation titled ‘Variation and change in Virgin Islands Dutch Creole’ on May 11 in the aula of the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. The defense is a public event, you are welcome. For more information, visit The dissertation will be published in the LOT dissertation series. You can download the work…
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4 new papers by Eric Reuland
Language and imagination: Evolutionary explorations (DOI) Why is reflexivity so special? Understanding the world of reflexives (DOI) What structural priming can and cannot reveal (with Loes Koring, full text) Reflexives and reflexivity (full text)
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