NWA Startimpuls for ‘Moedertaal in NT2’
I am very pleased to tell you that the project ‘Moedertaal in NT2 (MoedINT2)’ has been awarded a ‘Startimpuls’ grant by the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda. The project involves the development of an app that will enable teachers of Dutch as a second language to address learning problems that have to do with their students’ first languages. In current practice, teachers often lack knowledge on the various first languages spoken in their class, and no exercises are available. The app will provide both. See here for a brief explanation of the project (in Dutch).
The ‘Startimpuls’ will enable me to develop a prototype of the app, and apply for a larger grant to fund the entire project. I will keep you updated on the progress.
MoedINT2 is part of a group of projects (a ‘route’) that aims to address the question how we can improve inclusion and participation of (young) people in society. Read more here about the NWA Startimpuls and the other UU participants in this route.