Monthly Archives: June 2018

Improvements to webapp ‘Moedertaal in NT2’
Dear colleagues, Last year, I received two starting grants for the project ‘Moedertaal in NT2’ (MoedINT2). The project involves the development of an app that informs teachers of Dutch as a second language of properties of the L1s of their students, in order to help them make use of the full linguistic repertoire of their…
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Jacomine Nortier (2018): Youth Languages
Here is my third (and last?) publication in 2018: Jacomine Nortier. (2018). Youth Languages. In: Arne Ziegler (ed. in cooperation with Melanie Lenzhofer & Georg Oberdorfer), Jugendsprachen – Youth Languages. Aktuelle Perspektiven internationaler Forschung – Current Perspectives of International Research. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 3-25. Abstract: In this paper on youth languages, three major related topics are addressed. The basic…
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Talk Marco Budassi, Old Irish information structure
Dear language structure list-members, A guest I am hosting is giving a talk next Wednesday (20 June) on Old Irish information structure. The abstract and further information are below. All the best, Aaron Griffith Extra-clausal constituents in Old Irish: between theories of syntax and information structure Marco Budassi University of Pavia Wednesday…
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