Events & activities

De Plantagedialogen – 11 december
Wat: De Plantagedialogen Wanneer: 11 december 2022, 15:00 uur tot 17:30 uur Waar: Wibar, Leiden De plantagedialogen brengen ons naar de plantages van het Suriname uit de achttiende eeuw. In het kader van Letterlijk Leiden luisteren we naar de pennen van twee Nederlanders uit die tijd. Hun dialogen laten zowel slavendrijvers als slaafgemaakten spreken. De…
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Morphology Days in the Low Countries starts today at 13:00hrs via Teams
Beste allen, Vandaag gaan de Morfologiedagen / Morphology Days in the Low Countries van start met een sessie over gender in de morfologie. Deze sessie zal worden voorgezeten door Sterre Leufkens. Het programma op vrijdag begint met onregelmatige werkwoorden en we sluiten af met morfologie in gebarentaal. Voor het volledige programma en meer informatie over…
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Call for papers and posters for Morfologiedagen – Morphology Days in the Netherlands is out!
MORPHOLOGY DAYS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES (MiLC 2020) – CALL FOR PAPERS We are happy to announce that Morphology Days in the Low Countries (MiLC 2020) will take place in Utrecht on April 8 and 9, 2020. These days form a revival and a continuation of the Morphology Days that used to be an international meeting…
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Going Romance 2018
The Utrecht institute of Linguistics (UiL-OTS) will organize Going Romance 2018 on December 11-14, 2018 Invited speakers: Silvio Cruschina (Universität Wien) Hamida Demirdache (Université de Nantes) Luis López (University of Illinois at Chicago) MCarme Parafita Couto (Universiteit Leiden) The scope of the conference series can be defined as the contribution of data from the Romance…
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Talk Marco Budassi, Old Irish information structure
Dear language structure list-members, A guest I am hosting is giving a talk next Wednesday (20 June) on Old Irish information structure. The abstract and further information are below. All the best, Aaron Griffith Extra-clausal constituents in Old Irish: between theories of syntax and information structure Marco Budassi University of Pavia Wednesday…
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World Science Forum
Roberta will attend the World Science Forum on Science for Peace in Jordan, in November. She will be giving a short talk on research integrity at the thematic workshop “The Future of the Universality of Science”. You can find the full program here.
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Workshop on Variation and Universals in Language
The workshop Variation and universals in language. The implications of typological evidence for formal grammar will take place in Crecchio, Abruzzo, Italy, on June 9-11. Our very Marjo van Koppen is among the invited speakers. The program and position statements can be found here All invited! Roberta
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Defense Robbert van Sluijs
Robbert van Sluijs will defend his dissertation titled ‘Variation and change in Virgin Islands Dutch Creole’ on May 11 in the aula of the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. The defense is a public event, you are welcome. For more information, visit The dissertation will be published in the LOT dissertation series. You can download the work…
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Popularizing Linguistics
My linguistics for dummies Facebook page (in Italian, unfortunately), Linguistica in Pillole, has about 16K followers (15915 as I write). On this page, I post linguistics news, curiosities, simple linguistic notions, discoveries, or games. Some posts, like the one on dialects, with 185K views, are very popular. Most posts have links in English, so if you…
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“The syntax of idioms” workshop, Utrecht University, 20th January 2017
The NWO/FWO-funded project “The syntax of idioms” is happy to announce a one-day workshop on idioms to mark the conclusion of the project. In the morning, the researchers from Utrecht University and KU Leuven who carried out the work will present the main results of the project. In the afternoon, three renowned idiom experts will…
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Vluchtelingen en NT2
Extra college in de BA-cursus Onderwijs Nederlands: op woensdag 2 november van 15:15-17:00 uur komt Anne Kerkhoff van de Fontys Hogeschool langs voor een gastcollege. Anne Kerkhoff en Jacomine Nortier zullen het hebben over de taalproblemen waarmee vluchtelingen in Nederland te maken krijgen. Ze zullen aandacht besteden aan de lessituaties waarin vluchtelingen terechtkomen en Kerkhoff…
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Youth Languages
On May 26th I will present a key note at the 8th International Conference on youth Languages ( In my talk, I will address the following topics: (1) what are youth languages, terminology; (2) background of ‘urban’ (theory from urban geography) and (3) written vs. oral data, examples from Dutch. I attach the powerpoint for…
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Aankondiging: presentatie van populariserend boek ‘Taal’
Dear colleagues, I would like to invite you all to the presentation of my popular-scientific book ‘Taal’, which will take place on the first of June, 17-18 in Amsterdam. The book is a short introduction into language and linguistics for so-called ‘highly educated laymen’, including chapters on all kinds of topics such as language acquisition, language…
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