
Vitaliteit Papiaments in NL redelijk hoog (artikel Antilliaans Dagblad)
Hoewel onderzoeken elkaar mogelijk wat tegenspreken is de conclusie van taalwetenschapper Ellen-Petra Kester dat de vitaliteit van het Papiaments in Nederland redelijk hoog is. Dat wil zeggen dat de taal krachtig genoeg is om niet zomaar te verdwijnen uit de Nederlandse samenleving. Artikel Antilliaans Dagblad (20 februari 2020)
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Call for papers and posters for Morfologiedagen – Morphology Days in the Netherlands is out!
MORPHOLOGY DAYS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES (MiLC 2020) – CALL FOR PAPERS We are happy to announce that Morphology Days in the Low Countries (MiLC 2020) will take place in Utrecht on April 8 and 9, 2020. These days form a revival and a continuation of the Morphology Days that used to be an international meeting…
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Language policy in Italy
Dear all, I wrote an article about English as a language for reseach on the main Italian newspaper yesterday. The article was co-authored by prof. Elena Cattaneo, senator for life at the Italian parliament and one of the most prominent Italian scientists. The article is in Italian (it appeared on la Repubblica) and was featured…
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Advances in Italian Dialectology
The volume Advances in Italian Dialectology. Sketches of Italo-Romance grammars, edited by Roberta D’Alessandro and Diego Pescarini, has just been released by Brill. Description and TOC can be found here.
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Article on NRC on language policy in The Netherlands
Dear colleagues, Our report Talen voor Nederland, about language policy in the Netherlands, has just been published. You can find it here. More information about the procedure and the committee can be found here. The article we wrote to announce this report has just appeared on Roberta
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Geographic Information Systems and Social Networks
On Thursday 30 November, Roberta will give a talk at the workshop Geographic Information Systems and Social Networks. Consequences for the study of Linguistic Variation at the Autònoma University of Barcelona. The conference program is here:
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World Science Forum
Roberta will attend the World Science Forum on Science for Peace in Jordan, in November. She will be giving a short talk on research integrity at the thematic workshop “The Future of the Universality of Science”. You can find the full program here.
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Roberta lid van de CVW
Roberta has joined the KNAW Commissie voor de Vrijheid van Wetenschapsbeofening (CVW, Committee for the Freedom of Scientific Pursuit). She will hold this position for 3 years. You can follow the committee’s activity here. Roberta is also a member of the Committee for the Freedom and Responsibility in the Conduct of Science (CFRS) of the International…
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1 postdoc position and 3 PHD positions in Roberta’s ERC project
A call for a 4-year full-time postdoc position and 3 PhD positions in Roberta d’Alessandro’s ERC project on Microcontact, Language variation and change from the Italian heritage perspective ( has just been published. You can find the full job descriptions here: Please share it with anyone who could be interested, and circulate it as widely as possible. The…
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