
‘Yu no man broko mi’ – over het Eurovisiesongfestivallied van Jeangu Macrooy
Begin maart presenteerde de zanger Jeangu Macrooy zijn inzending voor het Eurovisie Songfestival aan het Nederlandse publiek. Het lied is getiteld ‘Birth of a New Age’ en is geschreven en geproduceerd door Jeangu Macrooy en Perquisite. Nederlandse Eurovisiesongfestivalinzendingen zijn vaak Engelstalig, maar dit is de eerste keer dat er ook in het Sranantongo gezonden wordt….
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Publication: Community Based Research in Language Policy and Planning
Community Based Research in Language Policy and Planning The Language of Instruction in Education in Sint Eustatius Authors: Faraclas, Nicholas Gregory, Kester, Ellen-Petra, Mijts, Eric N. This volume focuses on a case where community organizing, academic research and governmental responsibility were successfully mobilized and synchronized to bring about change in educational policy and practice. The focus of this…
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Jacomine Nortier (2018): Youth Languages
Here is my third (and last?) publication in 2018: Jacomine Nortier. (2018). Youth Languages. In: Arne Ziegler (ed. in cooperation with Melanie Lenzhofer & Georg Oberdorfer), Jugendsprachen – Youth Languages. Aktuelle Perspektiven internationaler Forschung – Current Perspectives of International Research. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 3-25. Abstract: In this paper on youth languages, three major related topics are addressed. The basic…
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Paper on Old Irish verbal agreement with conjoined subjects
Dear all, A couple years ago Elliott Lash (NUI Maynooth) and I presented a paper to the group on Old Irish verbal agreement with conjoined subjects. The paper has been published in the Journal of Celtic Linguistics and is now available here. All the best, Aaron Griffith
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Irina van Aalst & Jacomine Nortier (2018): Youth, language and urban public space: Where geography and linguistics meet. Dutch journal of Applied Linguistics 7(1). 68-88
This paper presents an interdisciplinary study on the interface between young people, their language use, group belonging and urban space. Relevant literature from the fields of sociolinguistics and urban geography is reviewed and integrated, focusing on language, identity and place. The outcomes are based on on-site interviews and focus group meetings that were used to…
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Jacomine Nortier. Language and identity practices among multilingual Western European youths. Language & Linguistics Compass. May 2018
Nortier J. Language and identity practices among multilingual Western European youths. Lang Linguist Compass. 2018;12:e12278. Abstract: Since the 1980s, an increasing number of studies on youth languages in Europe has appeared. In this paper, a selection of the literature on linguistic practices and identity work by young people in multilingual and multiethnic urban areas in Western Europe is reviewed and…
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Language policy in Italy
Dear all, I wrote an article about English as a language for reseach on the main Italian newspaper yesterday. The article was co-authored by prof. Elena Cattaneo, senator for life at the Italian parliament and one of the most prominent Italian scientists. The article is in Italian (it appeared on la Repubblica) and was featured…
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Advances in Italian Dialectology
The volume Advances in Italian Dialectology. Sketches of Italo-Romance grammars, edited by Roberta D’Alessandro and Diego Pescarini, has just been released by Brill. Description and TOC can be found here.
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Article on NRC on language policy in The Netherlands
Dear colleagues, Our report Talen voor Nederland, about language policy in the Netherlands, has just been published. You can find it here. More information about the procedure and the committee can be found here. The article we wrote to announce this report has just appeared on Roberta
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A review (by Anne-France Pinget) of the Atlas van de Nederlandse Taal
A review (by Anne-France Pinget) of the Atlas van de Nederlandse Taal has been published in Taal en Tongval 69 (2), p. 263-266.
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The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Syntax
A fully revised and updated, this second edition of offers a substantive collection of syntactic case studies of syntactic phenomena. A ‘case’ is a well-delimited empirical area (both as to the construction(s) involved and as to the languages in which the phenomena are found) whose analysis has, at one time or another in the history…
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Jacomine Nortier: Gender-related online metalinguistic comments on Straattaal and Moroccan Flavored Dutch in the Moroccan heritage community in the Netherlands
Abstract: Straattaal (‘street language’) used by members of various ethnic groups contains linguistic material from English and several heritage languages with relatively many Sranan words. Moroccan Flavored Dutch (MFD) is Dutch with elements from Moroccan languages on the level of pronunciation, lexicon and/or grammar. Both Straattaal and MFD can be used by young MoroccanDutch. The basic question is: How is…
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Existentials and Locatives in Romance Dialects of Italy
The monograph “Existentials and Locatives in Romance Dialects of Italy” Francesco Ciconte referred to in his talk on Monday is available as an Open Access publication here. Delia Bentley, Francesco Maria Ciconte, and Silvio Cruschina Existentials and Locatives in Romance Dialects of Italy Oxford: OUP, 2015 (pdf)
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4 new papers by Eric Reuland
Language and imagination: Evolutionary explorations (DOI) Why is reflexivity so special? Understanding the world of reflexives (DOI) What structural priming can and cannot reveal (with Loes Koring, full text) Reflexives and reflexivity (full text)
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Aankondiging: presentatie van populariserend boek ‘Taal’
Dear colleagues, I would like to invite you all to the presentation of my popular-scientific book ‘Taal’, which will take place on the first of June, 17-18 in Amsterdam. The book is a short introduction into language and linguistics for so-called ‘highly educated laymen’, including chapters on all kinds of topics such as language acquisition, language…
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